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This Durga Puja, help the idol makers of Kolkata

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    The has devastated more lives than we could have imagined. When it had just begun, we heard about the plight of daily wage workers and the migrant labourers who braved a long march back home. But, now as time passes by, many more individuals are struggling to survive. They're fighting with all they have to put food on the table for their children.

    Kumartuli in Kolkata is widely known for being the clay modellers’ hub. When you take a walk down the lanes of Kumartuli, a sweet smell of clay idols fills your nostrils. It is said that the air of Kumartuli is imbued with the auspiciousness of Maa Durga during this season. Nearly 300 studios stand on the streets of Kumartuli. Over 1000 artisans earn their livelihood by making the Durga idols. Every year they create about 10,000 such idols for various pandals in and around the city. What they earn keeps their families going for the rest of the year.

    Similarly, hundreds of workers and technicians earn their livelihood in Kolkata by working at the Durga pandals. Some are responsible for decorations, carpentry, etc. and some for lighting and sound. It’s their only way of earning bread and butter during this season. 

    But, this year Durga Puja is entirely different. Because of the Pandemic, the lanes of Kumartuli have seen no visitors for weeks. The idol makers have made no profit whatsoever. Workers and technicians have barely any work. How can they make ends meet like this?

    Durga Puja is just round the corner. Less than a month is left before the festivities begin. But, owing to the restrictions, celebrations will not be the same this year. People will still be scared to come out and roam freely. Congregations will need to be subdued. This uncertainty has made many organisers step back from the usual grandeur surrounding the festival. They now want a simple 5-day celebration of Maa Durga. Many of them are even opting for digital celebration. This means that the need for theme-based idols and fancy decorations is very less.

    This has led to mounting helplessness among the idol makers. They can see how much loss they will have to endure this year. Yet, there’s nothing that they can do. All they know is that their families will have to struggle for survival. 

    “I have been working as an idol maker since I was 10, and now more than 50 years have passed. Honestly, I have never seen a time like this before. I don’t know how we will survive.”, said Sushen, an idol maker in Kumartuli.

    Kumartuli Mritshilpi Association has decided to support the artisans and workers with grocery kits. They believe that during this auspicious time of Durga Puja, no family should sleep on a hungry stomach. But, they need your help to make it possible. Your kindness can ensure happiness for the idol makers during this Durga Puja.

    Come, let’s stand together to help them get through this difficulty. Let’s show them that we’re in this together.

    About Kumartuli Mritshilpi Association -  Kumartuli Mritshilpi Association was founded in 1950 by renowned artist late Shri Gora Chand Paul. His two sons Mr. Gour Chandra Paul and Gopal Paul have continued his legacy by delivering quality artworks under the name, Gora Chand Paul & Sons. Their innovative works of art have captured the hearts of Bengalis in and outside India. Their artisans also produce idols for Kali, Jagaddhatri, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Kartikeya, Radha Diety, Diety, and Viswakarma Puja. Over the years, they have worked on plenty of assignments for producing idols of different Gods and Goddesses. The team takes the utmost care to preserve the religious sentiment of the Bengalis as well as people from other communities.

    Note: All the donations towards this campaign is eligible for Indian Tax Exemption.


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