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Donate Education Kit & Help These Children In Need. Start A Change Today.

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    I-Help Foundation Goa was started in 2016 with the sole motive of providing help to improve the lives of the underprivileged section of the society.

    I-Help Foundation Goa is one of the actively involved Youth Volunteering Organization working in the Social Field for the Upliftment of the underprivileged people across Goa. I-Help Foundation Goa is a registered Non-Government Organization, the Foundation has undertaken a multitude of social, educational and environmental projects like I-Help Outreach Goa, I-Educare, I-Warriors, I-Clean, I-Run, I-Help Blood Donation Camp and Health Check-up camps & many more.

    I-Help Foundation Goa is also a platform to provide opportunities for youth who wanted to take active part in community development despite time constraints. I-Help Foundation aims to empower youth to become positive change makers who will enable organizations and institutions to work without a vested interest.

    So far I-Help Foundation Goa  :

    Conducted many career counselling camps.

    Counselling on General Healthcare & Hygiene for girls.

    Conducted I-Help outreach activities across Goa for the underprivileged section of the society.

    Cleanliness drives across Goa are conducted on regular intervals.

    Blood donation camps are organized on regular intervals.

    More than 500+ saplings are being planted all over Goa.

    100 girls and boys are supported for paying their schools, hostels and college’s admission & semester fees.

    1 boy supported for rare condition treatment under 15 years.

    Free Self defence trainings classes are organized for girls & women of all age.

    School kits are donated among the children/students from underprivileged section of the society.

    I-Help School Kit Donation Drive:

    This Initiative is a step taken towards providing the children from underprivileged areas , urban slums and rural areas across the state to have a new joyful first day at the New Academic Year with a Gift from someone who cares for them and receive quality education. I-Help Foundation believes that this will help the Student as well as the society by encouraging them in Going to School and Create a Future for themselves. 

    You can donate essential education items such as stationery, and school bags for these underprivileged children. 

    A small contribution from you today can make a big difference to their future tomorrow. 

    Note: All the donations towards this campaign is eligible for Indian Tax Exemption.


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