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They are our nation’s pride, let’s stand by folk artists

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    Beautiful dance forms and music survive through numerous folk artists across our country. These art forms are a vital part of our culture and history. In Rajasthan, communities of folk artists have kept these artforms alive across generations. But now, this is all in danger of falling apart.

    The pandemic has derailed jobs and work for a vast majority of people. Some can get by and manage but that’s not the case for folk artists. These artists rely heavily on tourism, festivals, and special gatherings to earn a living. They have been forced to abandon their vocations during the pandemic simply to feed themselves and their children as the market collapses and the industry is forever changed.

    The rich cultural heritage of Rajasthan is admired and cherished by millions. This history is kept alive and preserved by thousands of folk artists- dancers, dhol players, tent makers, ghodiwalas, folk musicians, and many more. During festivals, weddings, and other special occasions, these artists bring joy to countless people. 

    These artists start training at an incredibly young age, often at age 4 or 5. They spend countless hours training and dedicate their whole selves to their art. In the end, they become highly competent performers who dazzle and fascinate people while introducing their culture and art to new audiences. Tourism is a major source of income for folk artists apart from festivals.

    Their reliance on tourism and special occasions to earn their living has left them particularly vulnerable during the pandemic. As tourist footfalls have ground to a complete halt and festivals move from large affairs to small events at home, these artists have been forced to put their vocation on hold and resort to daily wage labour, small jobs, and even begging just to survive and feed their families.

    Folk artists who have trained for decades in their art forms have been reduced to begging- this cannot be allowed to happen. Over the last six months, they have had no work, their bookings have been cancelled, they haven’t been paid, and now they are facing a dark and uncertain future as the pandemic stretches on. They bring us joy and art when we need it, it’s now time for us to step up and help them.

    Beneficiary NGO -

    Praveenlata Sansthan - Praveenlata Sansthan is an NGO based in Jaipur that works to bring development and support to local communities including the folk artists in various parts of Rajasthan. Praveenlata Sansthan is raising donations to provide folk artists in Rajasthan with grocery kits to help feed their families and give them the support to survive and stay healthy. Their survival is essential to the survival of these ancient arts and the continuance of their culture.

    These artists who bring joy and amazement to people need our help to survive. Donate now and help folk artists make a living in these difficult times.

    Note: All the donations towards this campaign is eligible for Indian Tax Exemption.


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