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Help Create A Better World For Children With Special Needs, Your Support Matters

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    The world is often not kind to those who have special needs. They are looked down upon and never given the same status as that of a ‘normal’ child. 

    But I think it is very important for us to understand that they need equal opportunities and support from all of us. This is a cause close to my heart and I have worked for years to create a world that doesn’t discriminate,” - Pooja Shrivastava, Founder, Deepika Physiotherapy Clinic And Rehab Centre

    Pooja has dedicated her life to these kids

    A few years ago, Pooja was covering the story of these special children for her news franchise. This was the time when they realized that she had become fully invested in their stories. She wanted to do something for them and help make their lives better. And this is how Deepika Physiotherapy Clinic and Rehabilitation Centre came into being, two years ago in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Pooja wants to remove the stigma against children with special needs in the coming years.

    In my mind, I knew that this was my calling. I left my job at the news franchise and took this up full-time. I was determined to make this happen. And since then, the journey has been rewarding.” 

    But this story is not about Pooja. Instead, it’s about those 100+ kids who are suffering from cerebral palsy, autism, or other neurological illnesses and have special needs. Some of them have challenges with social and communication skills, and some of them struggle even with moving their muscles. These conditions can be so crippling that children often struggle to walk or even stand on their own. Pooja and her team have dedicated their lives to them and want them to have a better life.

    Your support can make this possible 

    Life hasn’t been easy for these children and their parents. Pooja talks about how often she is confronted with questions and dilemmas parents have about their special kids. Pooja’s clinic and rehab have various methods by which they help these children in need.

    We have speech therapy, recreational therapy, and physiotherapy, as well as therapy for parents. It is important for parents to be in a position where they can take care of their children. We have been working very hard to provide them with the best of everything, but it is getting harder with the passage of time. The pandemic has made it worse. The people haven’t eaten for days, how will they afford the medicine and the injections that the children need?” 

    Pooja wants these kids and their families to have a normal and happy life. She urges you to come forward to donate groceries, medicines, and injections for them. Even a small contribution from your side will make a huge difference. 

    About the NGO: Deepika Physiotherapy & Child Development Centre is one of the best child physiotherapy and rehab centers in Kanpur, equipped with all the required facilities. They work relentlessly to give special children and their families a better and happier life. They specialize in pediatric physiotherapy to enhance the welfare and development of all our gifted kids. 


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