Campaign Closed

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Your constant support has helped us meet the needs of this fundraiser. Below are similar campaigns which need immediate attention.

Animal Critical Cases

    Feel free to ask Campaigner for a new update on this Fundraiser.


    Our search for the kid with a cut limb is successful. Super aggressive due to pain & trauma but all under control now.

    On way to rehab now. We thank one and all for sharing his search post to trace him.

    To help him & his treatment donate via

    Railway accident case. 

    Malwani church fast & curious case finally now under Amtm rehab.

    Named Molly now. If you wish to help molly donate via

    Animals matter to me ngo is known as a second chance home for many strays in need and abandoned pets with severe issues like rare condition rare condition, accidents, distemper and complicated cases.

    To make it easy for all donors we have tied up with donatekart for platform support & exposing our work to the world of animal welfare

    Donate Now

    Update for Critical cases current work

    Critical cases are intergral part of for amtm rescues. With covid19 around and low support on volunteers. Amtm staff is running around for helping every stray in critical stage. 

    With current situation we need support and seek medical & vet food supplies on regular intervals. 

    Every stray deserves a second chance and with your support we are able to help speechless souls in need.

    Note: Donations made towards this fundraiser in INR on and after 29th September 2020 are eligible for Indian Tax Exemption.


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